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Goodridge Pages & Common Search Mistakes

When searching for Goodridge hoses it can be easy to make simple mistakes such as spelling errors. You may know what you need but people do get distracted or even misinformed about what to search for.
Here are a few that we have come accross.

Goodrich hoses - This is probably the most common mistake we come accross, Goodrich manufacture tyres but we often see searches for 'Goodrich hoses'.
Other similar searches are : Goodrich fittings, Goodrich, Goodrich brake lines, Goodrich brake hoses.

Goodride - This is another tyre related search error, there is a tyre manufacturer named Goodride which is clearly a very close name to Goodrich and it even looks similar on the tyre but if you are searching for Goodridge it is clearly incorrect..

Hel hoses - Some may think that all brake hoses are the same, this is not true and although other manufacturers of brake and clutch hoses will stand by their product Goodridge has a long standing reputation as the best in the business of braking and fluid transfer.